Can I use a pressure washer to clean brick and masonry?

From historic structures to modern homes, brick and masonry are popular choices for their timeless appeal and durability. However, these surfaces aren’t immune to the ravages of time, weather, and dirt. This brings us to the question, “Can I use a pressure washer to clean brick and masonry?” The short answer is yes, but it’s crucial to do it correctly to prevent damage. This blog will discuss the proper use of a pressure washer for cleaning brick and masonry.

Benefits of Using Pressure Washers for Brick and Masonry

Using a pressure washer for cleaning brick and masonry has several advantages:

  1. Efficiency: Pressure washers can cover large areas quickly, making them ideal for cleaning brick walls, patios, or driveways.

  2. Effectiveness: Pressure washers can eliminate stubborn dirt, mold, and algae that regular cleaning methods might miss.

  3. Preservation: Regular cleaning helps maintain the aesthetic appeal of brick and masonry and prolongs their lifespan by preventing the buildup of harmful substances.

The Right Way to Pressure Wash Brick and Masonry

Pressure washing brick and masonry requires caution to avoid damaging these materials. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Safety First: Always wear appropriate safety gear, including eye protection, gloves, and closed-toe shoes.

  2. Choose the Right Pressure Washer: For most brick and masonry, a medium-duty pressure washer provides sufficient cleaning power without risking damage.

  3. Prep the Surface: Remove loose debris and cover any nearby plants or fixtures to protect them from the pressure washer’s spray.

  4. Use the Correct Nozzle: A wider spray nozzle (usually 25 or 40 degrees) is typically best for brick and masonry. It provides sufficient cleaning power without concentrating the force in one area.

  5. Apply Detergent: Use a detergent designed for masonry and brick. Apply it from the bottom up to prevent streaks.

  6. Pressure Wash: Keep the nozzle at least 12 inches from the surface and move it evenly across the area. Do not focus the spray on the mortar, as this can cause damage.

  7. Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse the surface from top to bottom to ensure all detergent and loosened debris is washed away.


With proper technique and precautions, pressure washing can be an effective method for maintaining the beauty and durability of your brick and masonry. Always remember to use the correct equipment and detergents, and if you’re ever unsure, consult a professional.